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You can search for words, like parle. You can also search for phrases, like tout le monde en parle, or for English translations, like classic.
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That term wasn't found.
Click any word, in any example, to learn more. Examples are sorted by average word frequency.
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The diagram shows the most common phrases. Taller bars mean more frequent use.
Matching phrases:
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Click a word below to see its usage diagram.
No diagram found. Note that searches in the base language will currently not show usage diagrams.
Collocations are groups of words commonly used together.
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Hotter emojis mean more frequent use.
Click a word below to see its most common collocations.
No collocations found. Note that searches in the base language will currently not show any collocations.
Click a word below to see its definitions.
Definitions not found. Note that definitions are currently available only in the target language.